
  • When his girlfriend goes missing, David must track down her whereabouts after he realizes she's not wh…
  • 五个孩子被丢进了科幻书籍的世界当中,他们了解到自己无法改变过去,但可以通过现在的努力改变自己的未来。五个孩…
  • 12岁的艾玛所居住的小镇正想方设法要将镇上的狗捉光为了与禁狗令作斗争,艾玛必须在圣诞节庆典上,用各种各样的狗…
  • Six classic British books are considered with a fresh eye. Returning to the authors' original manuscri…
  • Feral weaves a tale of survival as a group of 20-somethings learn about love, loss and friendship while li…
  • Big city lawyer Joanna Hanley returns to her hometown to take the case of a group of girls suffering from …
  • 由Bryan Cranston和Greg Mottola制作的家庭喜剧《男孩们的冒险书 The Dangerous Book for Boys…
  • Plot Summary for  Parsifal (1982)  Richard Wagner's last opera has remain…